Acronyms Used in Government Contracting (R)

Master list of the most frequently used government contracting acronyms. These acronyms and abbreviations are routinely used in government solicitations. You will also encounter these acronyms throughout the various sections of government contracts. This master list of acronyms will help you better understand the specialized language of government contracting. This is essential for successfully doing business with the Department of Defense (DoD) and working with contracting offices at military bases and DoD agencies.  You can also use our Glossary of defense contracting terms.


A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J      K      L      M       N      O      P      Q      R      S      T      U      V      W      X-Y-Z    

View GLOSSARY of Contracting Terms

R&D   Research and Development
R&M   Reliability and Maintainability
RAA   Rapid Acquisition Authority
RAD   Required Availability Date 
RAM   Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
RAM-C   Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Cost
RAP   Resource Allocation Process
RBL   Reliability-Based Logistics
RC   Reserve Component (Reserve / Guard)
RCM   Reliability-Centered Maintenance  
RDA   Research, Development, and Acquisition
RDP   Requirements Definition Package
RDT&E   Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
RFB   Request for Bid
RFI   Ready for Issue
RFI   Request for Information
RFP   Request for Proposal
RFQ   Request for Quotation
RIO   Risk, Issue and Opportunity 
RIW   Reliability Improvement Warranty
RM    Materiel Reliability
RM   Requirements Manager
RM   Risk Management
RMB   Risk Management Board
RMD   Resource Management Decision
RMP   Risk Management Plan
RoD   Record of Decision
ROI   Return on Investment
ROM   Read Only Memory
ROM   Rough Order of Magnitude
RPV   Remotely Piloted Vehicle
RRC   Requirements Review Council 
RS   Replenishment Spares
RSI   Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability
RTP   Request for Technical Proposal 


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