Civil Service Employment - Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) Albany, Georgia
Civil Service Jobs & Employment - Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB Albany) Georgia. There are frequent employment opportunities with the federal civil service at MCLB Albany. These civil service jobs provide support for Department of Defense (DoD) operations, training programs, and military personnel.
Applications from the public are being accepted.
Civilian job opportunities exist across a broad spectrum of skills and duties. Qualified U.S. citizens are encouraged to apply for these positions.
The MCLB Albany defense industrial complex is home to Marine Corps Logistics Command (MARCORLOGCOM) and Marine Depot Maintenance Command (MDMC) at Albany. MCLB Albany provides the industrial facilities and infrastructure necessary to support a broad range of depot maintenance and supply activities for the U.S. Marine Corps. MDMC has a work force of 2,070 civilians with a small permanent on-site military personnel presence.
New civilian employment opportunities exist (or are anticipated to be announced in the near future) at Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany with the following organizations:
- Marine Corps Logistics Command (MARCORLOGCOM)
- Marine Depot Maintenance Center (MDMC) Albany
- Defense Logistics Agency (Albany detachments)
- Nonappropriated Funds (NAF) positions
- Navy Exchange Service (NEX)
- Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA)
- Medical facilities (Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany)
- Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC)
- Marine Corps Systems Command