Civil Service Employment - The Pentagon, Washington D.C.

The Pentagon - Washington D. C.


Civil Service Jobs & Employment at the Pentagon -  Washington D.C. There are numerous civilian employment opportunities at the Pentagon. 

Applications from the public are being accepted. 

These civil service jobs provide support for Department of Defense (DoD) operations, defense programs, and military personnel. Civilian job opportunities exist across a broad spectrum of skills and duties. Qualified U.S. citizens are encouraged to apply for these positions. 


  • You can use the website to search for current Federal Civil Service job openings at military bases and Department of Defense agencies across the United States. 
 USAJobs Website 
  • This is an essential guidebook for correctly navigating the federal hiring process and getting selected. 

 Guidebook: How to Get a Civil Service Job at a Military Base

A few of the on-site military units and defense agencies now hiring (or projected to hire in the near-term) at the Pentagon include:

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense
    • Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
    • Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
    • Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
    • Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
    • Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller
    • Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration
    • Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs***
  • Medical facilities and clinics 
  • Nonappropriated Funds (NAF) positions 
    • Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA)   
    • Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) 
  • The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
  • United States Air Force
    • Secretary of the Air Force
    • Headquarters, Department of the Air Force
  • United States Army
    • Secretary of the Army
    • Headquarters, Department of the Army
  • United States Navy & Marine Corps
    • Secretary of the Navy
    • Headquarters Department of the Navy (includes U.S. Marine Corps)

The Pentagon is the headquarters and command epicenter for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the four military service components. Situated in the Pentagon is the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the headquarters for the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Marine Corps. These organizations oversee a combined annual DoD budget of over $583 billion and three million employees (both military and federal civilian personnel). DoD operates and sustains more than 200 major military installations and over 5,000 other defense sites worldwide.

The Pentagon itself is one of the world's largest office buildings. It's floor space covers over 29 acres (6,636,360 square feet). The Pentagon has 5 floors and more than 17.5 miles of hallways and corridors. Working at the Pentagon are approximately 23,000 personnel. This includes both military and federal civil service personnel.